Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before

Katie chose shameful humor.

My friend Matt looks like Fred Flintstone and has a very risque since of humor. He's not a hateful guy, but he loves telling outrageous jokes. Our friend Linzy bought him a book, Truly Tasteless Jokes.
"Matt should write his own on the blank pages in the back," I said.
"That's a great idea," Matt said. He tried one out on us. "What's great about Hurricane Katrina?" Linzy and I shrugged.
"Higher test scores for Louisiana."
I told him that reminded me of another atrocious one of his that started, "Hurricane Katrina and the Holocaust walk into a bar." I did laugh at it, but I think it had more to do with the set-up.
Oh Matt, that's crazy! Hurricanes and genocides can't go barhopping.

Another time, Matt and I tried to come up with humorous bumper stickers for child molesters. I came pretty close to winning with: "My other car is a fake ice-cream truck."


KT said...

I would buy that bumper sticker. Have I told you this joke that my friend Sarah told me:

A little girl and an old man are walking through the woods late at night. The girl says, "Mister, I'm scared. The man says, "You're scared? You're not the one who has to walk back alone."

V. Wetlaufer said...

...my father told me that joke. He also told this joke:

"What's the worst thing about fucking a five-year-old?

Washing the blood off your clown suit."

My dad and I like sick humor.

Man...now I'm thinking of all kinds of things that make me a horrible person for finding funny. I just needed to be reminded.

Baby said...

yes, i've heard those. the other night i heard:

what do you get when you stab a dead baby 57 times?

an erection.

off-topic, my FAVORITE bumper sticker:

"fat people are harder to kidnap"

love you, will!