Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I'm supposed to put what where?

Sandra chose sex.

My Mom owns this preteen sex information book. I don't remember ever being shown it, and thank God I wasn't. Never has sex looked so unappealing. It has illustrations by one of the New Yorker cartoonists. The one who draws everyone as monsters or anteaters. I can't really tell what they're supposed to be. They are horrifying. That is not in question. Their faces look stretched out like Alec Baldwin does in Beetlejuice when he tries to look scary -- all nose and overbite. And hair because they're hippies.
The cartoonist sometimes has them leer, showing even more teeth and -- though you didn't think it possible -- looking even scarier.
It's the kind of book that makes you never want to have sex, which was maybe the intention all along.

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